Thursday, January 01, 2015

AMERICAN ACCENT TRAINING (Second-Hand/Used-Available In Malaysia)


Second-Hand Malaysia is offering the following item for sale to serious buyers and collectors in Malaysia & beyond:

A guide to speaking and pronouncing American English for everyone who speaks English as a second language

Developing a good accent is really a question of picking up the music of a language.  You get the sense of:
-Which words you stress
-Where and how long you pause
-How you run your words together

*Take the "pure-sound" approach to speaking
*Listen to the rhythms of spoken language
*Imitate the fluid ways of American speech
*Americans will understand you better --- and you'll understand them better too!

This book when used with accompanying compact discs and teaching aids will guide you to fluency in spoken American English.  You begin by getting away from depending on the way words are written in English.  Instead you learn to hear again, the way you did as a child learning your own native language!

Title:  American Accent Training (2nd Edition) (Book, 5 CDs & Teaching Aids)
Author:  Ann Cook
Publisher:  Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Copyright:  2000
ISBN 0-7641-7369-3
Pages:  198

Condition:  VERY GOOD

For price inquiries:  
Contact Second-Hand Malaysia @  
Second-Hand Malaysia is based in Malaysia.
Only serious buyers and collectors will be entertained.

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