Friday, August 21, 2015

501 FRENCH VERBS (Second-Hand/Used-Available In Malaysia)


Second-Hand Malaysia is offering the following item for sale to serious buyers and collectors in Malaysia & beyond:

Fully conjugated in all the tenses in a new easy to learn format alphabetically arranged

*Verbs conjugated with avoir or etre
*Formation of present and past participles
*Tables showing the derivation of tenses of verbs conjugated with avoir and etre
*Sample English verb conjugation
*A summary of meanings and uses of French and English verb tenses and moods

Special Features:
-Index of English-French verbs
-Index of irregular verb forms identified by infinitive
-More than 1,000 French verbs conjugated like model verbs
-Verbs used in idiomatic expressions and sentences
-Verbs with prepositions used in simple sentences
-Orthographical changing verbs
-Verbs used in weather expressions and proverbs
-A summary of sequence of verb tenses
-The subjunctive
-Helpful expressions and idioms for travelers
-Verb drills and tests with answers explained
-Definitions of basic grammatical terms with examples

Title:  501 French Verbs (4th Edition)
Author:  Christopher Kendris, Ph.D.
Publisher:  Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Copyright:  1996
ISBN 0-8120-9281-3
Pages:  688


Condition:  GOOD AS NEW

For price inquiries:
Contact Second-Hand Malaysia @
Second-Hand Malaysia is based in Malaysia.

Only serious buyers and collectors will be entertained.

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