Tuesday, April 14, 2015

ENGLISH THE AMERICAN WAY (Second-Hand/Used-Available In Malaysia)


Second-Hand Malaysia is offering the following item for sale to serious buyers and collectors in Malaysia & beyond:

English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language & Culture in the U.S. helps English language learners improve their skills.

A fun guide to everything American for the English language learner!
This handy guidebook is perfect for people who already have a good grasp of English, but want to improve how they speak the language as it is spoken in the United States.  Written in a lighthearted and easy-to-follow style, this book is a great resource for people of all ages and all nationalities.  Each unit introduces commonly used phrases, vocabulary, and verbs, and offers sample dialogs to illustrate everyday American life.  Sentence completions, quizzes, tips, and illustrations make learning fun.

Individual units cover topics essential to the mosaic of American life: making friends, basic skills, driving, dining out, dealing with money, home life, emergency situations, doctor visits, handling a job interview, and more.  The audio CD offers sample dialogs that present correct pronunciation using natural speech.  The dialogues help English language learners practice their vocabulary and pronunciation skills.  They’re also a great way to work on accent reduction.

If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to improve your English language skills, this is the program for you!

Title:  English The American Way (Book & 1 CD) 
Authors:  Sheila MacKechnie Murtha M.A. & Jane Airey O'Connor M.Ed.
Publisher:  Research & Education Association
Copyright:  2011
Pages:  288

Condition:  VERY GOOD

For price inquiries:
Contact Second-Hand Malaysia @ secondhandmalaysia@gmail.com.
Second-Hand Malaysia is based in Malaysia.

Only serious buyers and collectors will be entertained.

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