Tuesday, April 21, 2015

ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION MADE SIMPLE (Second-Hand/Used-Available In Malaysia)


Second-Hand Malaysia is offering the following item for sale to serious buyers and collectors in Malaysia & beyond:

With a friendly writing style and abundant illustrations, English Pronunciation Made Simple helps students understand and achieve the pronunciation patterns of native English speakers.  Appropriate for both classroom use and self-study, this confidence-building text motivates students to practice their skills outside the classroom.

Title:  English Pronunciation Made Simple (2nd Edition) (Book & 2 CDs)  
Author:  Paulette Dale
Publisher:  Pearson Education
Copyright:  2004
ISBN 0-1311-1596-0
Pages:  308

Condition:  VERY GOOD

For price inquiries:
Contact Second-Hand Malaysia @ secondhandmalaysia@gmail.com.
Second-Hand Malaysia is based in Malaysia.

Only serious buyers and collectors will be entertained.


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